Sports Reports April 21
Men’s Golf
Last Sunday the Regional Australia Bank district championships were played. The district champion for 2021 is Tim Murray from Armidale with Michael Jackson runner up. Scott Mendes is the Nett champion, runner up was Bob Constance.
The A grade scratch winner was Mick Purvis with Matt Jackson runner up. A grade Nett went to Reg Walls with Darrin Towells runner up
The B grade scratch winner was Steven Sole with Mick Shiner runner up. The Nett went to Bruce Coppock with Allan Collins runner up .
C grade scratch winner was John Stansfield with B Julian runner up. The Nett winner was Pat Grills and Len Stanley runner up.
Nearest to the pins were Scott Mendes on the 7th, Dick Heaney on the 10th and Mick Purvis on the 18th. Next Sunday will be an 18 hole stableford for the Spar Express trophy.
The Albatross
Vets Golf
Last Tuesday the Vets played an Individual Stableford counting putts. As the course dries out, golf becomes more enjoyable especially with the very pleasant Autumn weather.
Both Len Stanley and Wal Chapman scored 31 points but Wal came out on top by only one point on a countback.
The best putter on the day was Doug Archibald with only 26 putts ahead of Mick Shiner with 28. Nearest the pins were scarce with Chris Newberry on the 18th being the only one.
Also last week, on Thursday 18 players travelled to Uralla for the next round of the New England Pennants. We went in with a slight margin of 4 points, but unfortunately finished the day square with Walcha, both on 947 points. This will make for an exciting final game to be played at Glen Innes on May 13th.
Armidale won the day with 243 points closely followed by Uralla with 242, then Walcha 237, Guyra 233, and finally Glen Innes 229.
The totals at this stage are: Guyra 947, Walcha 947, Armidale 924, Glen Innes 880 and Uralla 821. Please, all Vets, consider planning to play at Glen Innes on Thursday 13th May. We need a strong team to bring the Pennants home.
A Vet
Ladies’ Golf
Last week the ladies played a Stableford.
The winner was Kerry Bull with 32 points winning on a countback from Donna White.
Nearest the pin winners were Donna White on the 9th and 18th holes.
Shona Mulligan on the 10th hole
This week several ladies are playing in the 3-day NEDGA tournament up at Glen Innes.
Next week is a Stroke and putting competition.
Shona Mulligan is the starter and sponsor.
Men’s Bowls
The bowls set down for Saturday April 17th was a washout however arrangements were made to play Sunday April 18th. We kicked off with a Major Singles game played between Scott Campbell and Robert Moore. Both players started slowly feeling each other out, Robert managed to grasp the feel of the green first and opened a lead but not to be out done Scott clawed his way back and by end 18 had drawn to within one shot of Robert only to see Robert draw away again. Scott found something and drew even again by end 30. Again Robert gained the ascendency and went on to win the game 31 shots to 27 shots over 34 ends.
In Minor Singles Mick Rusden played Robert Goodchild, in this game Mick showed his experience but by no means was Robert to be out done as he pushed Mick all the way and with a little more experience will test the patience of more bowlers. Mick went on to take the win 31 shots to 19 shots over 31 ends.
No doubt the match of the day was between Dan Kennedy and Cameron Peardon. This was a Handicap Singles game with Dan giving Cameron an 8 shot start. Cameron made the best of his start and by end 29 held a very healthy lead 22 shots to 11 shots. Dan at this point called on all his experience to endeavour to close the gap, this he managed to do but Cameron was not finished yet and again stretched the lead to 8 shots, Dan again fought back only to see Cameron extend his advantage by end 42 only wanting one shot to win but getting this elusive one shot was to prove Cameron’s undoing as he saw his lead diminish and ultimately disappear. Dan eventually fell over the line in a marathon chase winning 31 shots to 30 shots over 46 ends.
Club Championships set down for this weekend.
Saturday April 24th: Start: 1.00pm. Starter and Umpire: David Wilcox
Open Singles: David Wilcox to play John McIlwain marker Geoff Reeves.
Barry Campbell to play Mick Rusden marker Roger Cox
Sunday April 25th: Start: 1.00pm. Starter and Umpire: Scott Campbell
Major Singles: Robert Moore to play Andrew Sparke marker Scott Campbell
Major/Minor Pairs: Col Stanley and Corby Kliendienst to play Mallie Walls and Logan Beechey
Steven Sole and Robert Walls to play Barry Presnell and Michael Jackson
The Bowls Bandit