Sports Reports October 7th, 2020
Men’s Bowls
Saturday October 3rd saw the Final of the Major Singles played. David Wilcox played Andrew Sparke. David, in good form, and Andrew, still on a high after defeating Dan Kennedy, all pointed to a great game.
Andrew continued his good form and raced to an early 11 shots to nil after 6 ends, but not to be denied David fought back and by end 13 the scores were even he continued on and soon held the lead. As predicted the game turned into a real titanic battle with first one held the lead then the other had a turn. By end 28 either player could take out the Final with the scores Andrew 28 shots, David 27 shots. With teeth gritted and determination Andrew put his head down and managed to get the 3 shots needed winning 31 shots to 27 shots over 30 ends. Andrew with this result is now Major Singles Champion for the 2019/20 season. Congratulations to both Bowlers.
Sunday October 4th saw three Club Championship games completed.
In the Semi Final Minor Singles John Jackson played Roger Cox and this game also pointed to another tight encounter. From the outset this proved to be the case. This game had everything as both bowlers fought to gain the ascendency, with scores being level five times it came down to which bowler could hold their nerve the best. By end 31 John only wanted 2 shots to victory however Roger had a say in the result and by end 33 John still wanting 2 shots, Roger only wanting 3 shots. End 34 John held game but Roger was not done just yet he drove into the head, after the dust had settled he held 1 shot. With one bowl left John took a deep breath and he also put up an on shot and managed to trail the jack into ditch resulting in the two shots required to win the game 31 shots to 28 shots over 34 ends.
Another Semi Final Minor Singles was played between Mallie Walls and Robert Goodchild. In this game Mallie proved too strong for Robert but being a new bowler he acquitted himself well and by reaching the Semi Final was a great achievement. Mallie ran out winner over 17 ends.
The third game was a Handicap Singles game between Dan Kennedy (-8) and Robert Walls (+1). Even with a 9 shot advantage Robert had no answer to Dan’s consistency and by end 11 had caught up the deficient and continued this form and went on to victory 31 shots to 10 shots over 27 ends.
Now to next weekend’s Club Championships:
Saturday October 10th: Start: 1.00pm. Umpire and Starter: David Wilcox.
Major/Minor Pairs: David Wilcox and Paul Johnson to play Ian Jacobs and Mallie Walls. Michael Shiner and partner to play Roger Cox and Boyd Stanley.
Sunday October 11th: Start: 1.00pm. Starter and Umpire Robert Walls.
Major/Minor Pairs: John Jackson and Geoff Reeves to play Scott Campbell and Barry Campbell. Barry Presnell and Michael Jackson to play Dan Kennedy and Grahame Starr.
Handicap Singles: Robert Moore to play Barry Walls marker Robert Walls.
All games boarded games are play or forfeit to help complete the 2020 games. Match Committee,
The Bowls Bandit
Ladies’ Golf
Last week a field of 14 ladies played the Foursomes Championships sponsored by the Gittoes Family.
The winners were Donna White and Julie Walker.
Nett Winners were Wendy George and Jenni Jackson.
Nearest the Pin winners were Belinda Lenehan and Julie walker on the 9th hole.
Jenny Rogers on the 10th hole.
Wendy George on the 18th hole.
Thank you to the Gittoes Family for your ongoing sponsorship and support.
This week the ladies are participating in the annual Tee off for Breast Cancer Flag Event sponsored by Wendy George.
Next week is the 4BBB Championship sponsored by Guyra Welding Works starting at 9am over 27 holes.
Men’s Golf
On Sunday a good field of 24 took part in the Regional Australia Bank 2 person ambrose, the winners were Darren Lennon and Nick Burey with 65 ¼ with Pat Grills and Mick Jackson
just behind on 65 1/2. Nearest to the pins were Steve Kliendienst on the 7th, Mick Jackson on the 9th, Les Perrett on the 10th and Barry Simpson on the 18th. The long drive was won by Karen Oehlers.
Next Sunday will be the Dougie Waters Memorial 4BBB Stableford. Just a reminder a couple of big events coming up are the Guyra open weekend on the 24th and 25th and the 4BBB championships on the 1st of November.
The Albatross
Vets Golf
Last week was the Four Ball qualifying round for the New England Vets Golf Four Ball Championships. The winners on the day were Chris Newbery and the ever consistent Mick Shiner with a score of 43. The other qualifiers for the NEVGA Four Ball were Col Walls and Phil Devlin on 42 and Don Campbell and Len Stanley 40. Good luck to these teams in the finals which will be played at Guyra on November 17.
The other winners for the day were the Nearest the Pins, Don Campbell on the 7th, Chris Newberry the 10th and Mick Shiner on the 18th. Yes, there were other players but we did not get a look in. Maybe next week.
It was with much sadness that we farewelled one of our long standing members and committee member, Warren McCowen who will be moving to Toowoomba. We wish him and Jane well for their next adventure, they will be missed.
A Vet
Junior and senior cricket is set to start on Saturday October 24th. Guyra Cricket Club club will enter four teams in the senior competition and three in the junior competition.
Online registration is up and running and players can register online at by searching for Guyra Cricket Club.
Seniors interested in playing can contact Contact Charlie White 0428 318 127 or Adrian Cameron 0427 351 059.
.Juniors can contact Graham Cameron: 0415 872 685 (U11) Simon Brown: 0427 665 131 (U13) or Jason Campbell: 0428 763 688 (U15) for more information
The club will be practising COVID safe procedures throughout the season.