Free skin checks well supported

25th Feb 2025

The Australian Skin Cancer Foundation skin check bus provided free skin checks at this year’s Guyra Show. This service is provided to communities who otherwise may not be able to access a similar service, while further educating them on skin cancer and to take preventative measures.
The truck was very well supported with 232 people being seen over the two days. There were 41 lesions identified made up of squamous cell carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas and four melanomas.
It would not have been possible to bring this service to Guyra without the support of sponsors.
Can Assist Guyra Branch contributed $5000 which was half of the cost. They were pleased to be able to give back to the Guyra community who support their fundraising activities very generously. They plan to support the Skin Check Truck again next year.
If just one life is saved through having this service come to Guyra it was well worthwhile. Prevention and/or treating patients early is very important for cure and stabilising their condition.
The balance of sponsorship came from the NSW Farmers Association Guyra Branch, Lions Club of Guyra, Guyra Rotary Club, Guyra Bowling and Recreation Club, St Mary of the Angels Parish Ladies, ÇWA Day Branch, CWA Evening Branch, and Guyra Show Society.