Records broken - warmest August night on record

17th Sep 2024

Guyra, along with other regions in New South Wales, experienced unseasonably warm conditions in the second half of August with temperatures reaching 18.0C or higher on nine days with the highest of 22.0C on the 30th being the warmest for August for 15 years.
The unusually warm end to winter was caused by a number of low pressure troughs and fast moving fronts bringing warm air into New South Wales from central Australia.
Guyra’s average minimum of 4.8C for Auguust was the highest on record from 91 years of records. Also recorded was the highest minimum temperature (warmest night) of 14.1C on the 31st. This was the highest on record from 50 years of records. The previous highest 12.6C on 25th August 2009.
Other significant statistics from August were an average maximum temperature of 15.5C which was the highest since 2009 when it was 16.2C and the highest maximum temperature of 22.0C on the 30th which was the highest since 24th August 2009 when it was 25.2C

(LTA in brackets)
36.6 mm (54 mm) on 5 days
Average maximum temp:
15.5C (12.0C)
Average minimum temp:
4.8C (1.2C)

Highest maximum temp:
22.0C on the 30th
Lowest maximum temp:
9.8C on the 2nd
Lowest minimum temp:
-3.2C on the 4th
Frosts: 13 (18)
Sunny days: 17 (18)