117th Guyra Show a big hit

Official Party Guyra Show 2025
25th Feb 2025

The 117th Guyra Show took place over the weekend and if success can be measured by the enthusiasm and the scale of crowds, it was indeed a big hit.
There was good support across all categories, with Show Society President Richard Post reflecting on a busy 12 months. He said it was rewarding to see lots of new events which are the result of passionate people coming forward with ideas and suggestions which builds on the successes of the past.
“2025 sees the committee in a strong financial position with more volunteers than ever, which I believes is an indication of the wonderful community we are a part of,” he said.
“We have so much to be proud of as we continue what generations have done for more than a century, and it is only possible due to the many hours of volunteer work.”
Special guest at the official opening of the 117th Guyra Show was Kay Hull AO.
Kay (nee McElroy) was born in Guyra and went on to make a significant contribution to rural Australia. She served in local government at Wagga Wagga and represented the National Party as the member for Riverina for 12 years.
Kay was awarded an OAM in 2015, and was promoted to AO in 2021 in recognition of her distinguished service through health, skills development, and agricultural associations
As well as declaring the event open, Kay was called on to present long term volunteer Dorothy Every OAM with life membership of the Guyra Show Society.
Dorothy’s involvement with the Show dates back 42 year when she first started in the needlework section. She served as head steward of the needlework section for many years, and also headed the handiwork section for the Glen Innes Show Society.
Dorothy has acted as a strong role model of commitment to voluntary community awareness, involvement and community spirit. She facilitated the entry of student craft and actively motivated participation with donated sponsorships over many years.
The official opening was also a chance to recognise Guyra’s entrant in the Royal Ag Shows Young Women competition.
Introduced by last year’s winner Alice Stanley. 2025 Guyra Young Women Colleen Pearson is deeply involved in rural life and from a very young age has been involved in embracing the traditions of the Guyra Show and has always given it her all.
Colleen entered the competition to push herself to learn more about Ag Shows, learn new skills, meet new people, learn more about herself, and make a difference.
She is dedicated to rural advocacy, understands the challenges of living and working in rural areas and stands as a voice for young rural women.
Colleen represented Guyra in the Zone 4 finals, and was in attendance at Guyra Show performing her official duties.
Jessica Taylor was announced at the Junior Young Woman for 2025.

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